Sunday, 16 March 2014

Here I have gathered bags of interests, as the artists I have looked at works with colours, strips, mixed mediums and collage, I managed to get in some coloured, strips and bags of different materials.

Yukinori Yanagi
One dollar
Nepalese Rupees1000
I was influenced by an artist named Yukinori Yanagi, as he has a piece of work titled "one dollar"
I really like the way he used a bank note in a piece of art work to emphasis time.The Plexiglas panels contain sand, which Yanagi has dyed in the colours of U.S. one dollar currency. As he had got ants to pave the marks the ants had dug deep riverbeds through the dollar and moved the sand back to boxes on view on the other side of the wall, leaving the bill looking old and crinkled. 

"The first ant starts to dig this way and everybody follows. Once they are programmed, they just do" I was really inspired by this quote as I can relate this with my "bags of interest" journey(time), as I had took observational studies of bags of money. I followed on.... with painting money currency, bank note collage and so on...

Here, I have used acrylic paints to construct the pound sterling currency symbol in the style of my artist Jasper Johns. Although it may look like an abstract art, I have carefully conducted and composed the colours contrasting one another to create the symbol stand out from its background.

Here I have used collage technique, to give my bag a unique look.
Materials I used :
- Photocopy of Bank notes
- River Island bag (Red)
- Magazine (Blue Orange)

Here I have experimented making a bag with bags of crisps, Ready salted and Pickled Onion flavored bags.

I used stapler to staple all the bits of the bags to produce one bag of crisps.

I don't think this plastic material worked well with staples joining the two bits of material. As the staples are stronger than the plastic, the plastic will start to tear off when the bag gets heavier than the bag can hold.

As plastic bags wasn't working well I moved onto fabrics.

I then decided to change the scale of the bag to increase the width and height. I also developed my skills and added new bag like feature; a rope to close up the top of the bag. This rope is from my old basketball shorts.

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